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Lab Grown vs. Natural Diamonds: The retail battlefield

The success of lab-grown diamond and natural diamond sales is largely dependent on the marketing tactics employed by retail jewelers.

The growth in sales of lab-grown diamonds, is it driven by customer demand, or by the promotion of the product by jewelers? This was a question raised on an international diamond industry program earlier this year. The guest on the program was a Managing Director and Research Analyst at an investment bank in the UK, who analyzed the promotion of lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds by different jewelers.

"I am disappointed by the level of misinformation being conveyed by retailers in selling lab-grown diamonds. They do not hesitate to portray natural diamonds as something harmful to the industry and, conversely, present lab-grown as the alternative ethical choice," he lamented, after visiting different jewelry stores. "What is particularly infuriating is that I have seen firsthand how mining has brought revenue to communities that previously had none. The industry is allowing this miscommunication to spread to a wide customer base, and if this idea takes root in the minds of consumers, it will be difficult to reverse.”

His words struck a chord. A jewelry store executive based in New York wrote an email, "I do believe the last few minutes of the program addressing the comparison between natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds did miss some important, or misplaced, information... Your guest's point regarding the impact on consumer perception was truly keeping me up at night."

This conversation highlights the role of retail jewelers in driving the rapid growth of lab-grown diamond sales in recent years. Compared to natural diamonds, jewelers see greater potential profits from lab-grown diamonds, and this is no secret. Therefore, it is understandable that they promote lab-grown diamond products to customers through marketing. The CEO of a consulting service company that focuses on lab-grown diamonds said, "There are people willing to sell, and there are people willing to buy – that's capitalism."

Size Matters

Some people insist that the growth of lab-grown diamonds is driven by consumers; people's awareness and interest in lab-grown diamonds have rapidly increased, and jewelers are just responding to this demand for the product.

A jeweler specializing in lab-grown diamonds said, "If you look at the last five years, what I see is that consumers who are more conscious of social, environmental, and economic factors now have another option. They can choose to spend almost the same, or a little more, to buy a diamond that's about twice the size of what they could previously afford."

Recently retired US jewelry retailer CEO Beryl Raff also highlighted this point, stating at the Dubai Diamond Conference in March that "a 2-carat lab-grown diamond has become the new 1-carat natural diamond." Raff said that diamonds of this size produced by her former diamond brand in 2021 outsold equivalent natural diamonds by a factor of 50.

This sales trend is unexpected and has challenged predictions for the lab-grown diamond market. Rather than selling same-quality diamonds at lower prices to save consumers money, jewelers are using the attractiveness of larger lab-grown diamonds to increase consumer spending, particularly in the US. As local jewelers have observed, "size is king."


把銷售重點轉向尺寸較大的培育鑽石,也偏離了最原來「培育鑽石的銷量會主要來自較小的石」的預測,當跟烏克蘭制裁俄羅斯的阿羅莎公司,有可能導致天然碎鑽短缺時,這更是明顯。 但是,目前市場上並未出現天然碎鑽的短缺,珠寶商亦沒有把銷售重點移向培育碎鑽。有鑽石顧問公司指出,天然碎鑽美觀,光是這點已足以吸引珠寶商,讓他們放棄細小的培育鑽石。他再補充,想找到穩定供應的培育碎鑽同樣是一個挑戰,特別是對珠寶首飾業來說,因為該業界需要經常用到這種尺寸的石。


穩定的供應 事實上,節目嘉賓表示,想要穩定供應的培育鑽石,無論大小都有一定難度。











目成員強調,商家要適度公開產品的資訊,跟顧客有效溝通,好讓他們知道正在買的是什麼,這有一定難度。International Gemological Institute (IGI) 北美分部的主席Avi Levy補充,那些評鑑實驗室在這個公開資訊的過程中,便佔了重要的一席位。





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